Hosting Founders' Day at ETHIndia last week filled up our hearts & showed us we are on the right path - Team Foundership
Some amazing Feedback !!!
Amazing event! - @ArjunKalsy - BitDAO
It was an amazing experience - @simplykashif - Bitinning
And the award for the best event of the week goes to.....😊 Great job team Foundership 👍👍 - @cmehta01 - Clip Financial
What a fantastic event yea😍🥳 - @bernarddsa - RaindropsDAO
100s of such appreciation! 💜🙏
We are thrilled to hear overwhelming responses for quality conversation, incredible people and warm hospitality.
When we announced, we expected 200 people to attend.
After 700 Registrations, we had to stop accepting more
We curated 296 attendees to join & entire Taj Vivanta was buzzing till 4 am in the morning on 2nd December.
Esteemed Guests & Supporters
@sandeepnailwal - Co-Founder - Polygon, @aniket_jindal08 - CoFounder - Biconomy,
@rrohit689 - MD - CoinDCX Ventures, @KumShivam - Associate - Sequoia India, @sameepsi Quickswap, @YeshuAgarwal Transak, @Pritrules - Zoth, @cavysarma - CRSquare & so many more!!!

250+ web3 participants attended Founders' Day & another 120+ OG stars joined us for the OG Private Networking
Did you know we were just 6 team members to manage the entire show? Plus 2 volunteers.
Yes, just 6 team members to manage a massive 370-400 folks in Taj Vivanta for this high-demand Founders' Day.
We were super loaded and some of our volunteers had to restrict access to maintain safety at the venue.
We love the appreciation from everyone & will cherish this for a long time.
Thank you for trusting us to host you with the finest experience.

We will host Founders' Day in Dubai for the ETH Dubai Edition in March 2023. See you!

Let's collaborate to enable the ecosystem to ship the finest products to get a billion people to Web3!
Team @FoundershipHQ
@bimleshgundurao @SanketPanda10 @finallrounder @shriyogwable + Pankaj + Amit + Super volunteers + Community supporters!
Thank you! 🙏