Angel Investor vs VC - Whom Should Your Web3 Startup Pitch To?
To take off OR to accelerate & scale - your web3 startup will need to raise funds at some point ..
web3 investor pitch
Meet our Portfolio LaunchCamp#2 Web3 Startups from India & Brazil
0xCamp#2 received an overwhelming 176 applications across NFT, Gaming, DeFi, Infra & Tools acros..
Founders' Day ETH India 2022 - Where the Web3 World met each other!
Hosting Founders' Day at ETHIndia last week filled up our hearts & showed us we are on the right..
Meet Our Portfolio LaunchCamp#1 from India, USA, and Canada
The last 5 months have been buzzing at Foundership, we kicked off with our first 0xCamp - a free 3-w..
How To Build An Investor Pitch Deck For Your Web3 Startup
Investors have sat through hundreds of pitches.Every other web3 entrepreneur they meet claims to hav..
pitch deck
September 2022 - The Superfast month at Foundership
September …Go, Went, Gone …Superfast month at Foundership!It is already going to be the end of Octob..
How a16z and Foundership are leading with new Collaborative models for Web3 Accelerator?
a16z announces web3 accelerator, chooses the collaborative way!! Pranav & Santosh at Team F..
How To Find the Right Co-Founder For Your Web3 Startup?
Finding an ideal co-founder for your startup is as important as finding an ideal life partner.You fi..
10 Web3 Projects That Shaped The Ecosystem - Best Web3 Examples
Making people adapt to something is never an easy thing to do.In this technological evolution of web..
August 2022 - We at Foundership celebrated too!
August is a month to celebrate!Largest Democracy of the World - India's 75th Independence Day🙏World..