What's CoachDAO?
Many coaches wanted to get involved in a deeper way to ensure they have skin in the game approach than a transactional relationship. They liked Foundership’s Philosophy: We coach Startups to succeed and co-create wealth in the process.

We believe more Web3 Founders will succeed when incredible Coaches come together to support their journey. CoachDAO is off-chain. We will evaluate CoachDAO to be on-chain if needed. CoachDAO is a SubDAO in Foundership.🙌
Why Coach DAO?
It takes a village to grow a child and it's a community of mentors, friends, and well wishes to help a startup become successful.
Every startup finds it hard to stay focused week on week, but that's the secret sauce in building a highly scalable and profitable business that can provide great returns and outcomes to shareholders and the larger society and change people's lives for the greater good. 🌟
However not every startup is able to cater to this rigor with the same intensity across all stages of the startup journey.
Like every high-performing sport, athlete hires a professional coach to ensure they are top of their game in all tournaments and sharpen their skills and be prepared for all situations and all possible eventualities; similarly, Coaching is vital. 🏑
The driving factor for every coach to associate with a startup is generally to give back to the community, they like the founders, and they see potential in the startup. 🤝
However, after initial mentor calls which are very generic, do not add much value as there is not enough skin in the fame.
In order to make it work over a long time and be sustainable and have very tangible progress being made, each coach has to be incentivized beyond the normal methods of compensation per hour or PR mentions. 🛑
Hence we have come up with a model where there is equity distributed to the coaches by foundership from the equity we charge from projects that join our LaunchCamp Program. 🚀
Foundership’s CoachDAO Philosophy: We coach Startups to succeed and co-create wealth in the process.
Note: We believe more Web3 Founders will succeed when incredible Coaches come together to support their journey. CoachDAO is off-chain. We will evaluate CoachDAO to be on-chain if needed. CoachDAO is a SubDAO in Foundership.
Coaches Reward Model
Our innovative Equity/Token For Web3 Coaches is a unique reward model to enable contextual engagement to solve various challenges in a specific Web3 project—a win-win model for the projects/ startup and Web3 coaches. 💜💙💗💚
Reward for Coaches
Web3 coaches have deeper skin to ensure projects head towards success and in return, they have financial upside. Until we launch the Foundership token to reward coaches, we are currently rewarding the coaches with project native tokens/equity.

Incredible Founders & Leaders are already part of Foundership CoachDAO.
- Some Coaches are OGs in Web3
- Some are super operators
- Some have scaled biz to multi million$
- Some have built global startups and more..
Pls help connect👉 More women coaches are needed for CoachDAO.
Do you want to recommend awesome pro-founder folks as coaches? Have a look at👉 Foundership Whitepaper.
Let us collectively work to build super successful Web3 Startups from India to the World.
We will be launching '0xCamps' and LaunchCamp programs with CoachDAO. Know more on👉 https://foundershiphq.com/launchcamp
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