Ask anyone who has succeeded or failed in the first phase of ideating to build a startup: It is impossible to get software engineers, IT services companies on a budget that justifies building an MVP!

The fear is real: Possibility of losing all your savings to build basic MVP even to validate it as a side project.

Imagine how many folks don't even attempt to build a side project.

Or you need to be a programmer or hire a programmer as co-founder/future equity, etc.

Let's KILL THE FEAR with NoCode!

Enter NoCode.

With less than $200, one can launch an MVP in less than a month!

Imagine when 10,000s of people take a step forward with NoCode to build a side project.


The world changes with many doers! Some will succeed too big and some will learn to succeed in the next phases.

But, everyone who has an idea gets a fair deal to start with NoCode.

It is easy saying just start with NoCode?

How are you going to navigate fastest with many questions that will keep slowing down...

Where do I start with no code?

Which No-code tools are best?

Do I need to understand code?

Do I need to know CS basics or a programming language?

Is NoCode a tool for Marketing/Product managers?

Can I use no-code as a business use / non-tech role guy?

Why is no-code getting so popular? Why is it powerful?

What will happen after my No Code-based MVP is successful?

What if I am vendor locked?

How long does it take to launch a NoCode site?

What about performance when nocode is used?

Can we create a social live streaming application with no code?

I want to develop a NoCode, what should I be mindful of?

How to validate an idea?

Can you share examples of the success of nocode?

All these, you can figure it out on your own


How about you get to build along with a community of fellow doers, NoCode experts, founders & leaders with tool expertise and have built successful businesses?

We just completed our cohort with 39 fellows who are building along with a community of fellow doers, NoCode experts, founders & leaders with tool expertise and have built successful businesses.

Here is what they say:

We are accepting applications for Cohort starting on 26th Nov.

  • We review in First Come First Review order
  • Only 50 participants in the cohort
  • Along with 17-20 founders and leaders as Program mentors, I invite you to build Side Projects

Learn, apply and build your idea to a reality!

Unlike other Side Project /NoCode programs, the Foundership "Build a Side Project with NoCode Program" is a 100% outcome-driven, cohort-based program designed to help you navigate to learn, apply and build your idea to a reality.

  • You don't have to be a programmer to launch MVP.
  • You don't have to worry about design complexities (UI or UX).
  • You will have time to show several quick demos to gather customer feedback
  • You will reduce the development cost by up to 80%
  • Whether you are a marketer, developer, designer, content creator, or someone with basic web knowledge, you can launch your idea with NoCode.
  • And, you can Build Mobile App, Web App, Micro-SaaS, ECommerce site, Community, Automation and more using various NoCode Tools.· · ·

Want to see your ideas into reality by launching it as a Side project with NoCode?

👉 Apply now:

How is the program structured?

We host weekly live sessions during evenings/weekends with 3 to 4 hours of activities every week with program mentors and peer founders.

The program will be a four-week duration. Every week in the cohort will have the following activities:

  • Weekly: The program creator will drive a session to help you learn + apply the weekly goal. Review week cohort progress.
  • Regularly: One Program mentor will host workshops, Q&A sessions and help to answer specific questions regularly as per their availability.
  • Frequently Scheduled: Peer learning & working sessions among sub-groups to check progress and goals.
  • Real-time: Discussions, calls and messaging among participants, program creators, mentors, coordinators to help overcome challenges, share feedback, and connect.

What happens after this program is completed?

Once you are part of the community, you always will be and we will make sure we will help you in every step of your journey through us. With the community of founders & leaders, you will continue to gain growth and momentums in your business.

How is this better than other courses, training, etc.?

  • This is not a course. This is a coaching + live program.
  • These are not recorded videos.
  • It is not an advisory activity.
  • Our unique Learn + Apply cohort model enables you to achieve the fastest way.
  • This is an intense program and you need to commit many hours a week to this program.
  • You will work for your outcomes as part of the program.
  • You get dedicated time every week to work with program creators, dozens of mentors and peer groups.

👉Apply now:

We review in First Come First Review order