Building a Web3 startup is like jumping off a cliff and building an airplane on the way down. But, unlike the old Web2 world, there is no cookie-cutter approach to Web3!
And, we don't believe a company will be ready in 8 weeks or 12 weeks. So, we don't believe in the cookie-cutter incubator-accelerator approach of 3 months program.
We believe in a longer format of engaging with founders and being with them to make it happen.
Hence, we don't do typical 8 or 12-week programs.
Introducing Foundership's LaunchCamp - A 6-month program for Top Web3 teams building defining Web3 companies of tomorrow!

In LaunchCamp, we are with you for 6-months to enable you at every stage, i.e., Launch, Accelerate growth and Drive adoption.👍
We don't take hundreds of Web3 projects every month in order to help just a handful of top companies. 🌟
Instead, we work with a few selected top web3 projects in the LaunchCamp cohort. Top Web3 coaches run our cohorts, and we also assign a minimum of 2 dedicated coaches with bi-weekly interactions & engagement per project. 💗
To be part of Foundership's 6-month LaunchCamp, you need to get selected via our 0xCamp in a city. All selection to the LaunchCamp program is via 0xCamp only. 0xCamp is a 3-week free program.
What's 0xCamp?
0xCamp - Launch Web3 Startup.
0xCamp is a 3-week program to Launch your Web3 Startup. Whether you are in the idea stage or just started building, 0xCamp is for you.
We host the 0xCamp program with masterclasses by Top Web3 Coaches in your city for 1-day and the remaining 3-week on virtual sessions.
0xCamp enables you to find the right direction and opportunities for your Web3 startup.
Right Direction: Technology, Market, Early Customer Segments and more
We also host 0xCamp Global - A fully 3-week IVL program for Web3 teams anywhere in the world.
We believe the best teams are there in every city and the world should see 1000s of companies being built from 100s of cities and not just concentrate in a few cities.
Go local. Go 0xCamp to empower. Foundership will lead this vision.
Based on 3-week work & conversation during 0xCamp, Foundership & CoachDAO will select the top Web3 teams to join the 6-month LaunchCamp program.
Who is it for?
You are looking to join Foundership's 6-month LaunchCamp program
- You have an idea and a co-founder ready to start
- You already have a Web3 startup at any stage
- You are pre-product or early product stage
- You are actively fundraising
0xCamp Structure
1-Day - IRL
- Masterclasses by Top Web3 Founders & Coaches
- 1:1 Project review
- Meet & Greet: CoachDAO and Web3 Teams
- Networking with Web3 Folks in the city
3-Week - IVL - 2 to 3 sessions per week
- Coach Review - Dedicated Coach per Startup
- Business Model & Tokenomics
- Marketing, Community & Product
- Idea, Market, Customer & Competition
- Closure Ceremony - Share Experiences
- Selection of top Web3 teams for LaunchCamp
0xCamp Bengaluru:
Apply for 0xCamp🤝

Want to join for 0xCamp in your city? 🙌
Also, 0xCamp by Foundership & CoachDAO will come to your cities: NCR, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Goa, Kochi, Bhubaneswar .....and more
Apply for 0xCamps:
0xCamp Partners
We are backed by Founders & Leaders of incredible Platforms and Protocols. We will share about them in subsequent posts.
Our community partner is OGClub.
0xCamp with CoachDAO
Incredible Founders & Leaders are already part of Foundership CoachDAO.
- Some Coaches are OGs in Web3
- Some are super operators
- Some have scaled biz to multi million$
- Some have built global startups and more..